What is the best procedure for facial rejuvenation? You must have asked this question many times. And there are many queries on this topic in search engines.
It is important to understand this herethere is no universal procedure for facial rejuvenation! ! As there are no magic pills that will surely help everyone lose weight. After all, each has its own characteristics, each organism is unique, and an individual approach is needed for each case. Only in this case, an effective, long-term result of anti-aging procedures is visible.
In which cases are facial rejuvenation procedures needed?
The main indications for facial rejuvenation procedures
It is generally accepted that facial rejuvenation procedures should only be done in adulthood. But that is not the case! The sooner aging problems are identified, the more effectively they can be addressed.
There are a number of indications for facial skin rejuvenation procedures:
- laxity, skin lethargy
- increased facial muscle tone
- fuzzy face oval
- swelling of the face
- active appearance of wrinkles
- lowered corners of eyes and lips
- gray, dull
- deepening of nasolabial folds
- appearance of "flights"
- complex age-related changes
Of course, it is possible to assess the need for certain anti-aging procedures "by eye" in the mirror, but it is better to get a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the skin:
What happens to the skin during rejuvenation
Facial rejuvenation procedures are necessary to slow down the aging process, to create conditions for it to take place as slowly as possible and to minimally affect the condition of the skin. During the first procedures (taking into account the fact that they are selected by a cosmetologist based on an individual diagnosis of facial skin), visible changes in the skin begin to appear:
- excess fluid is removed, causing edema to occur
- the excess cells of the outer stratum cornea of the epidermis are removed (since the stratum corneum should not be completely removed, it is normally present), there is a balance between the synthesis of cells and their peeling, due to which the skin is regenerated
- decreased facial muscle tone
- the oval of the face is taut
- the complexion improves, the skin becomes even, radiant
- reduces the depth of wrinkles and creases
- "flights" are decreasing
- the circulation of water - the main helper in the fight for youth - returns to normal
- the bags under the eyes are reduced
- the corners of the eyes and lips are raised
- aging processes slow down
What are the procedures for facial rejuvenation?
There are many cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation. Example of procedures that can contribute to facial rejuvenation:
- hardware (laser) cosmetology
- injectable cosmetology
- nursing procedures
- home care cosmetics
The procedures give a different effect and the cosmetologist determines the most suitable for her according to the condition of the woman's skin.
Laser facial rejuvenation
Neodymium laser rejuvenation
- prevention of aging, starting from 25-30 years
- fine bore
- preparation for plastic surgery
- dull, flabby (reduced turgor) skin on the face
- acne - in an integrated approach
- enlarged pores
- facial redness, rosacea
The laser heats the protein responsible for the youthfulness of the skin - collagen, causing stimulation of fibroblasts, the cells responsible for the synthesis of young collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin becomes thicker, small wrinkles are reduced, and the complexion improves.
A big plus is the availability at any time of the year. Neodymium laser can be used in summer (unlike many other laser techniques).
How is the procedure
During the procedure, you feel heat or tingling, a slight tingling sensation, which can last from several hours to a maximum of one day. Most often after the procedure nothing is felt, there may be a little heat, but no more.
What are the results? How many sessions does it take?
The procedure has the peculiarity of a prolonged growth effect, which needs to be done4-6 sessions with an interval of 7-10 days. . . The number of procedures depends on the indications, anatomical and physiological characteristics of the person, the severity of clinical manifestations, the morphotype of aging and the skin reaction.
Spent the day before the event, this procedure will improve the color and glow of the skin.
Combined with what is more efficient
- Biorevitalization
- Mesotherapy
- RF boot
Laser rejuvenation in three levels
Laser rejuvenation in three levels is recommended in the following cases
- when the oval of the face loses its clarity
- facial tissues were "creeping" down
- superficial and deep wrinkles appeared
- there is a "double beard"
- the upper eyelids began to bulge, forming a crease
- the pores on the face become wider, and the surface of the skin is more relaxed, flabby
How the process of facial skin rejuvenation goes
- the stroke goes simultaneously along three coordinates
- The smallest laser fractions, like fine threads, penetrate the facial tissues. As a result, the skin in these places shrinks. It really is getting smaller
- old collagen, which has already been developed, is removed from the skin, creating space for young collagen fibers
- the correct mechanisms for moisture intake and retention in the skin are restored
- as a result, after 28 days the skin is renewed and we see ourselves rejuvenated and attractive.
Face after laser rejuvenation: what are the results
- eliminates the effect of excess skin on the face
- the skin is thicker due to the appearance of new collagen fibers
- the skin regenerates by 98% in just 28 days
This is how laser facial rejuvenation occurs. Many women have already appreciated the laser rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes, but also the whole face in general!
Laser phosphoresis
Laser foresight is also actively used in cosmetology. This is one of the methods of laser rejuvenation of facial skin.

This procedure is also called laser biorevitalization. It is aimed at improving the functioning of facial skin cells, its hydration.
This is due to the action of hyaluronic acid. Its molecule has unique properties. It attracts water molecules to its surface and can retain them for a long time.
Just imagine: one molecule of hyaluronic acid can hold 300 to 500 molecules of water.
Hyaluronic acid, injected with a cold laser, is easily incorporated into the cell membrane and is retained in it thanks to the bound water molecules. A colloidal hydrogel is formed, which is a natural filler of the intercellular space.
This restores the environment for the functioning of fibroblasts, improves microcirculation, activates cellular metabolism, etc.
- dry and loose skin
- age-related changes in the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands
- dark circles under the eyes
- skin rehabilitation after burns, chemical peeling, laser skin rejuvenation
- treatment of mild acne
- thin and dry skin
- without shine
The essence of the method
Due to laser radiation, cell membranes are excited, their permeability increases. This activates the movement of biologically active substances into the tissue that are used for prophylactic purposes.
Therefore, vitamin cocktails, hyaluronic acid and other skin nutrients are actively used for laser foresight.
- smoothing fine wrinkles and preventing the formation of new ones
- restoring the tone and elasticity of the face, neck and décolleté
- making the skin velvety and moderately hydrated
- removal of eyelid swelling
- anti-inflammatory action, reducing the appearance of acne
During the procedure, there is a cumulative effect that provides long-term hydration, skin regeneration, fine wrinkled mesh disappears, fine wrinkles are smoothed, skin relief is evened out, pore visualization is reduced.
How is the procedure
This procedure does not require pain relief because it is painless. The specialist cleans the skin, applies a special gel with hyaluronic acid and active ingredients. Then there is the effect on the dermis - a nozzle with low-intensity laser radiation is used, so the preparations are injected into the deep layers of the skin. At the end of the procedure, a care product is applied.
The duration of the procedure and the number of sessions are determined by the treated area - by the doctor during the consultation.
Non-surgical facial rejuvenation
Plasmolifting is an injection method of intradermal injection of the patient's own blood plasma that leads to the activation of regenerative processes in the skin.
Plasmolifting for the face: indications
- photoaging
- hyperpigmentation
- acne and post-acne
- sensitive, "stressful" skin
- alopecia and hair loss
- seborrheic dermatitis
- scars and stretch marks
The essence of the method
It consists of isolating plasma from human blood by centrifugation and its subsequent introduction into the area requiring restoration.
The patient's blood is taken in a certified plasmolifting tube. The autoplasma is separated by centrifugation, and intradermal injections of the obtained drug are performed in the treatment area.
Plasmolifting for the face: advantages
The use of plasma lifting in cosmetology allows you to start the processes of natural skin rejuvenation. Plasma growth factors stimulate fibroblasts to synthesize collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. As a result, the structure of the skin improves, its tone and elasticity increase, and the relief is evened out.
Combined with what is more efficient
- biorevitalization
- fractional photothermolysis
- laser phosphoresis
- contour plastic
- chemical peeling
- phototherapy
Rejuvenation at the cellular level - PRP plasmolifting
PRP therapy is a new technique for cell rejuvenation of the face.
Indications for the course of PRP therapy procedures
- reduced elasticity and firmness of the skin
- surface and deep wrinkles
- without shine
- dry facial skin
- acne, acne, scars
- pigmentation
- skin rejuvenation after chemical peels and laser procedures
Rejuvenation technology
The renewal of old skin is due to our own living platelets - the "vessels of youth" of our skin, rich in biologically active substances (growth factors).
Upon entering the skin, live platelets transfer metabolism to a youthful regime, as a result of:
- the synthesis of hyaluronic acid molecules begins
- the most powerful process of forming a 3D frame of collagen and elastin was started
- local immunity increases
The super effect of complete skin rejuvenation is achieved by a combination of pure hyaluronic acid and its own enriched plasma.
PRP-therapy - a Swiss method of rejuvenation at the cellular level
Visible and hidden results of PRP skin rejuvenation:
- instant filling of wrinkles and creases on the face
- forming a skin frame of young healthy collagen and elastin fibers
- skin tightening and tightening
- improving the firmness and elasticity of facial skin
- activation of cell migration and division
- skin moisture inside
- improving and smoothing the complexion
- the appearance of a healthy youthful glow of the skin
SMAS lifting
A new word in the field of non-surgical facial skin LIFTING.
SMAS-LIFTING - the most progressive way of LIFTING facial skin - has become SAFE and EFFECTIVE.
The main mechanism of ultrasonic smas-lifting (HIFU):
- The ultrasound wave passes through the skin, going very deep - on the muscular-ligament layer.
- There it focuses and heats the tissue, thus contracting the ligament apparatus.
- The ligaments become thicker, and the oval of the face tightens, the weight of the subcutaneous adipose tissue decreases.
- Additionally, collagen can be stimulated in the process by a surface sensor.
Fractional facial rejuvenation (laser fractional RF lifting)
Who benefits from fractional laser rejuvenation?
- you are over 30 years old
- you don’t like wrinkles, creases, laxity
- you want to tighten and tighten facial skin
- you want to look younger in a month
- look for a comfortable technique that does not hurt the skin and does not require long rehabilitation
Why laser fractional RF lifting and not just RF lifting?
Fractional RF-lifting - the result on the face
After the procedure, the skin gradually restores the normal functioning of fibroblasts - skin cells that synthesize collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and other important components responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. They again, as in youth, begin to actively produce collagen. And you will see the result of rejuvenation AFTER A MONTH. Furthermore, this effect will only increase over time and will last up to 1 year.
Due to its high efficiency, it is necessary to undergo only 3-4 procedures instead of 6-8, as in the case of conventional RF-lifting.
When can fractional RF lifting be done?
This procedure can be done in ANYONE GETS YEARS, even in summer, because this technique uses a COLD fractional laser that does not cause pigmentation.
Photorejuvenation for the treatment of blood vessels on the face
The photorejuvenation method is designed not only to remove wrinkles and affect the elasticity of facial skin, but also to treat vascular changes and pigmentation. The procedure is based on the effect of light energy (IPL) on the skin and is considered gentle in relation to others.
Photorejuvenation: how does it work?
Photorejuvenation works in several directions at once:
- stimulates the improvement of skin condition
- reduces rosacea with pigmentation
- has a positive effect on the appearance of facial skin as a whole
The procedure takes no more than half an hour, but it is quite painful.
The main advantage of this procedure is the fast and safe removal of blood vessels and vascular network. Photorejuvenation can successfully treat diseases such as rosacea and rosacea.
The effect on blood vessels and spider veins occurs at the level of the dermis. Radiation absorbs oxyhemoglobin, a natural pigment found in red blood cells. The light energy is converted into heat energy, the walls of the vessel are "sealed" and it stops functioning.
Microcurrent therapy for facial rejuvenation
For many years, microcurrents in cosmetology have not lost their popularity. Specialists are actively using microcurrent lymphatic drainage to eliminate age-related changes, restoring clarity to an oval face with an edematous morphotype.
Microcurrent therapy is a physiotherapeutic procedure by which a pulsating current of low strength with different frequency characteristics affects the skin, lymph nodes and muscle tissue.

Microcurrent therapy differs from other hardware techniques in that microcurrents, passing through aged or altered cells, restore and heal them. It turned out to be a very delicate effect. The current literally transmits the impulse to the cells for quality functioning. According to research by experts, due to microcurrent therapy, the energy supply in the cells of the body increases fivefold.
It has a mild effect on the lymphatic, circulatory, muscular system, skin layers. Metabolic processes are restored, cell activity is normalized. The results of microcurrent therapy are the removal of edema, improvement of skin color, improvement of facial contours, improvement of general facial tone, improvement of tissue regeneration and restoration. It is very important that microcurrents do not cause visible muscle contraction, because their action is very delicate.
- decreased skin tone
- swelling of the face
- fine bore
- preparatory care before injection techniques, laser rejuvenation, plastic surgery
- postoperative rehabilitation
How is microcurrent therapy performed?
Gel (or conductive cream) is applied to the face and neck. The cosmetologist moves the electrodes with special tips, performing movements according to the generally accepted procedure for performing procedures, taking into account the structural characteristics of the muscular and lymphatic system.
Taking into account the age and initial condition of the skin, an individual course of procedures of different frequency is selected.
Optimal 8-10 procedures 2-3 times a week.
Biorevitalization is an injection of hyaluronic acid. It is aimed at active hydration and overall improvement of the skin condition. "Anti-wrinkle injections" have gained popularity for a reason, because their action perfectly smoothes the skin, slows down aging. The technique is also used to remove traces after acne.

How does biorevitalization affect age spots?
Injections stop the development of pigmentation. The procedure does not eliminate the defect itself, but other methods are used for that. However, this makes the stains less visible. The procedure is recommended after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
Below are answers to some of the most common questions about the technique, including:
- how many procedures are needed
- when the effect becomes visible
- what are the indications for the procedure
- what types of techniques it involves
- dry and dehydrated skin
- fine bore
- reduced turgor and skin elasticity
- unhealthy skin color
- before and after chemical peels
- before and after laser resurfacing
- before and after plastic surgery
- skin preparation for burns and rehabilitation after active insolation
The essence of the method
With age, the body stops producing enough of its own hyaluronic acid. Biorevitalization solves this problem. Natural, chemically unaltered hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin. The effect occurs at the cellular level, there is an active regeneration of elastin, collagen, the composition of the intercellular substance that is responsible for moisture and nutrition of the skin is normalized.
Biorevitalization: what is the effect?
Biorevitalization inhibits the aging process, the skin becomes hydrated. Fine wrinkles disappear, and the complexion also improves. This technique rejuvenates the skin from the inside, provides antioxidant protection, and the aesthetic effect is visible almost instantly.
How is the procedure
Immediately before biorevitalization, make-up is removed and disinfected with skin antiseptic. Then, 20-30 minutes, apply anesthesia. During the procedure, the smallest parts of the gel are injected with a syringe, and then the gel naturally spreads to the surrounding tissues.
Biorevitalization: when will the papules disappear?
As with any injection, there may be mild redness, itching, mild swelling - these signs disappear within a few hours. Bruises and papules may also occur. They disappear within a few days.
Combined with what is more efficient
- laser therapy
- RF boot
- peel
- phototherapy
Biorevitalization includes several types, each aimed at solving different problems:
- Hydroreserve - introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations in the form of a gel into the dermis. Hydroreserve recovery session - a salvation for dry, dehydrated, older skin, especially in the presence of wrinkles, crow's feet, wrinkles on the lips, nose, etc. covers. The preparation contains hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate - a derivative of succinic acid, which improves metabolism in cells, tissue respiration and gas exchange. Free radicals from the aging process are neutralized.
- Amino acids. It is based on the principle of amino acid replacement. The combined combination of amino acids in a strictly defined concentration and hyaluronic acid stimulates the maximum rate of production of own collagen in the dermis.
- Peptide. Another type of cell rejuvenation technique. Peptides are compounds of natural and synthetic origin, which are amino acids that are held together by a peptide bond. They have a positive effect on metabolic processes in cells, they are signaling molecules that start the processes of renewal in the tissue.
Mesotherapy is a real discovery for those who want to effectively remove numerous aesthetic defects: dry skin, pigmentation, fine wrinkles, acne, post-acne, stretch marks, scars, skin dehydration and improve lymphatic drainage.

Patients who regularly undergo supportive procedures notice that the quality of the skin changes dramatically! Even care products fall on it in a completely different way, and last much longer.
How is mesotherapy done? How does mesotherapy work?
The essence of the method:
This technique is based on the technique of injecting a small amount of medicine into different layers of the skin. The main goal is to compensate for the lack of vitamins, amino acids, microelements. In addition, it moisturizes even the deep layers of the skin, burns fat, improves circulation and regeneration.
Mesodisolution and mesoperfusion is one of the types of procedures. The specialist injects special mesotherapy cocktails into the area of fat accumulation to reduce their volume. Most commonly, this is the area of the neck and "double chin, " the area of the elbows, knees, hip joints, anterior abdominal wall, and lateral surfaces of the abdomen. The needle is inserted to a depth of 6 to 13 mm.
- rosacea
- acne
- smoothing fine wrinkles
- reduction of double chin and dark circles under eyes
- correction of excess weight and cellulite
- correction of scars and stretch marks
- hair and scalp treatment
- skin pigmentation
- complexion improvement
- increase skin elasticity and firmness
How is the procedure
Before proceeding with the procedure, the skin is cleansed and disinfected. Then local anesthesia is applied.
Mild redness, swelling, bruising or pale skin may occur at the injection site during or after the procedure. Traces of injections and papules at the injection site, slight pain on pressure - all this is the norm. Recovery after the procedure takes 1-3 to 7-10 days, no special treatment is needed.
What should not be done before beauty injections?
There are a number of limitations to each injection.
Within 12 hours before your procedure:
Limit the use of medications and beverages that raise blood pressure and reduce blood clotting. That is, you will have to give up coffee, energy drinks, alcohol, sports supplements, and nonsteroidal pain medications (aspirin, paracetamol, ketans). They increase blood flow and bruising after the procedure.
For the same reason, 3 days before the injection, it is better to exclude the intake of fish oil preparations (omega-3 fatty acids).
Facial rejuvenation cosmetics
How to choose cosmetics to preserve youth
Anti-aging care helps fight the first wrinkles, and also nourishes and moisturizes the skin at any age.
To choose the right cosmetics for preserving youth, you need to focus on your age and choose products that suit her. In addition, it is important to pay attention to skin type.